for inclusive, quality, educational equity for all students in Georgia.
How We Got Here
In 1970, the State of Georgia opened the first Georgia Network for Educational and Therapeutic Supports (GNETS) school to educate students with disabilities and special education needs. GNETS is a statewide program that segregates students with disabilities and places them in separate and unequal schools. The program is typically housed in a separate school building, but sometimes occupies a separate wing or classroom of a traditional school.
Our Partners
GCEE welcomes organizations, families, educators, and legal providers across Georgia who are interested in advocating for practices that ensure education equity in our state.
The Georgia Coalition for Equity in Education often receives requests for support in advocating for an appropriate education at a child’s public school.
GCEE put together a list of resources with specific guidelines. In addition to the resources on this page, please visit the Lipson Advocacy Facebook page, where we often post advocacy links, stories, and statutes.

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